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Friday, September 25, 2009

What is pain management?

Pain is something that all of us has experienced and is fully aware of. But most of the time it is very hard to describe what your pain feels like and what really troubles you. Some people even find it hard to tell someone else that they have pain because of different cultural, individual, psychological and other stereotypes. However, knowing how to report and describe pain is crucial for the concept of pain management - a new set of techniques that was designed to help people overcome pain effectively and efficiently (for example, painkillers like Tramadol).
It is important to recognize and acknowledge pain at its initial phase, because having some time to prepare for it can really be helpful. And yous should understand the difference between the two main types of pain: acute and chronic.

Chronic pain is the type of pain that is persistent and sometimes transient. It usually lasts from a few months up to several years, unless addressed by a specialist. This type of pain can be divided into three categories:

  • anticipatory pain - caused by fear and anxiety

  • incident pain - caused by moving or changing positions

  • remembered pain - caused by psychological reaction to a particular situation experienced in the past

Acute pain is caused by other factors and has a totally different mechanism of onset. It can cause various side-effects and needs to be addressed quickly. However, on of the main aspects when dealing with acute pain is pain threshold. It varies significantly among people and there are numerous factors that can raise and lower pain threshold. Understanding this difference is crucial for pain management because what may seem insignificant for one person, can be experienced as a fatal pain by another.

The two types of pain described above also have their own methods of therapy. Chronic pain can sometimes be treated without medications by techniques such as yoga, breathing exercises, meditation, massage, relaxation, etc. Acute pain is usually treated on a short term basis with analgesics such as Tramadol and many others.


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